President George Vella launches Ball of the August Moon 2019

President George Vella launched the Ball of the August Moon 2019, which is going to be held on the 3rd of August at the Verdala Palace gardens in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund.

This will be the first ball organized by the current Presidency. The President and Mrs Vella will keep the tradition by organizing it at the Verdala Palace on the first Saturday of August.

Marchesino Daniel de Petri Testaferrata, Organizing Chairman of the Ball, thanked the President and Mrs Vella for having been entrusted, also under the current Presidency, with organizing this ball. Whilst providing details of the event itself, he thanked all those who are lending a helping hand, including Brass House Unit and all sponsors that contributed in one way or another, as well as the Police and the Armed Forces of Malta.

On his part, President Vella noted how the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation provides various forms of assistance to vulnerable persons, including patients undergoing treatment abroad and other forms of social assistance.

Tickets, which are restricted to 750, are available for €100 on a first-come-first-served basis and can be bought online from, from The Palace in Valletta, or from San Anton Palace.

For more information, one can visit the site, or telephone 22053500 or 21226226.